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Magento is only five years old but is already the most popular open-source eCommerce platform on the net, boasting a community of over 150,000 online retailers.


Similar to other off-the-shelf CMS solutions, like WordPress, it promises to democratize the tools of the designer and programmer, by bringing web development to the masses. However, unlike designing and launching your new WordPress blog, running a web-based retail business is a huge undertaking.

与WordPress等其他现成的CMS解决方案类似,它有望通过将Web开发带给大众来使设计师和程序员的工具民主化。 但是,与设计和启动新的WordPress博客不同,运行基于网络的零售业务是一项艰巨的任务。

You need a solution which can not only automate the shopping cart and checkout process, but keep a check on your inventory, run promotions, handle customer service, deal with shipment and logistics, as well as allow you to design and manage the store front.


Running an eCommerce site on Magento means that you will still have to create your store from the ground up and get your hands dirty with more than a bit of code. Most of this can be figured out by reading the guides for any themes and extensions you use, but there are also parts of Magento that allow for much deeper customization which aren’t that obvious.

在Magento上运行电子商务网站意味着您将不得不从头开始创建商店,并且要花费大量代码来弄脏您的手。 可以通过阅读您使用的任何主题和扩展指南来找出其中的大多数,但是Magento的某些部分还允许进行更深入的自定义,而这并不是很明显。

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), for example, is an essential component of running a web-based business and probably the most important form of marketing online. It involves making your site visible to search engines so they can rank you properly—high on the front page.

例如,搜索引擎优化(SEO)是运行基于Web的业务的重要组成部分,并且可能是最重要的在线营销形式。 它涉及使您的网站对搜索引擎可见,以便它们可以对您进行适当排名(在首页上排名较高)。

Magento makes SEO easy by allowing you to manage the way it writes URLs, creates images and handles links so that your site can easily be indexed in search engines.


Once you’ve installed Magento and set up your store, you can start optimizing your site for search engines from the web configuration menu by going to System>Configuration in your site’s Magento admin area.

一旦安装了Magento并设置了商店,就可以从Web配置菜单开始,通过转到站点Magento管理区域中的“ 系统”>“配置” ,为搜索引擎优化站点。


The first thing to do is to set “Add Store Code to URLs” to “No”. This will make your product URLs easier to read by search engines and humans alike, and is more compatible with third-party services such as PayPal. Also set the “Auto-redirect to Base URL” option to “Yes” to make sure all traffic goes to the same base URL (i.e. and not ). Finally in this section, change “Use Web Server Rewrites” to “Yes”. This will remove “index.php” from your URLs, which makes them much more search engine friendly.

首先要做的是将“将商店代码添加到URL”设置为“否”。 这将使您的产品网址更容易被搜索引擎和人类阅读,并且与第三方服务(如PayPal)更兼容。 还将“自动重定向到基本URL”选项设置为“是”,以确保所有流量都流向相同的基本URL(即而不是 )。 最后,在本节中,将“使用Web服务器重写”更改为“是”。 这将从您的URL中删除“ index.php”,这使它们对搜索引擎更加友好。

The next selection in the web configuration menu allows you to choose your base URL preference—essentially allowing you to pick between the “www” or “non-www” versions of your domain. This preference should have been chosen when you registered your domain but you can also set your preference here.

Web配置菜单中的下一个选项使您可以选择基本URL首选项—本质上使您可以在域的“ www”或“非www”版本之间进行选择。 注册您的域时应该已经选择了此首选项,但是您也可以在此处设置您的首选项。

set base url

You should note that this doesn’t create a redirect to your base URL, as this was set in the previous menu. However, this does set your preferred URL and will be used by default by Magento throughout.

您应该注意,这不会创建到您的基本URL的重定向,因为它是在上一个菜单中设置的。 但是,这确实设置了您的首选URL,并且Magento会默认使用整个URL。

Once you’ve set up your URLs to be more search engine friendly, you can now work on your on-page optimization—starting with the heading for your site.


By default, Magento will set your header to “Magento Commerce” or “Home page” depending on the version. You can change this by going to System>Configuration, and then go into the “Design” menu of the “General” section.

默认情况下,Magento会将标题设置为“ Magento Commerce”或“主页”,具体取决于版本。 您可以通过以下方法更改此设置:转到“ 系统”>“配置” ,然后进入“常规”部分的“设计”菜单。

head details

Change the default header to something suitable—making note of the keywords you are trying to rank your website for as well as the fact that search engines tend to put greater importance on keywords that appear at the start.


You also have an option here to add your keywords to the title prefix and suffix. This will automatically add them to the beginning (or end) of the headers of every page you create, which might not be something you want to do.

您还可以在此处选择将关键字添加到标题前缀和后缀的选项。 这将自动将它们添加到您创建的每个页面的标题的开头(或结尾),而这可能不是您想要执行的操作。

Similarly the “Default Description” and “Default Keywords” (which works just like Meta Description and Meta Keywords for your site) will allow you to add your keywords in these sections.


Just below the “Default Keywords” section, you’ll also find the “Default Robots” drop-down menu, allowing you to optimize your site further. If you want search engine bots to index and crawl your site (and you probably do), then set this to “INDEX” and “FOLLOW”.

在“默认关键字”部分下方,您还会找到“默认漫游器”下拉菜单,可让您进一步优化网站。 如果您希望搜索引擎机器人对您的网站建立索引并对其进行爬网(并且您可能这样做),则将其设置为“ INDEX”和“ FOLLOW”。

When you’re done, click “Save Config”.


This isn’t the end of setting the header and Meta Descriptions of your site. Depending on the theme you’ve installed, most of the default pages, such as the “Home”, “About Us” and “Contacts” pages, will already be named and set individually, overriding your setting in the Configuration menu.

这不是设置网站标题和元描述的结束。 根据您安装的主题,大多数默认页面(例如“主页”,“关于我们”和“联系人”页面)将已经分别命名和设置,并覆盖“ 配置”菜单中的设置

These pages are stored in the “CMS” section of the top menu. CMS pages are a unique way Magento deals with front end design, and can be quite complicated for the uninitiated.

这些页面存储在顶部菜单的“ CMS”部分中。 CMS页面是Magento处理前端设计的独特方式,对于初学者而言可能非常复杂。

To set these pages to be more SEO-friendly, go to CMS>Pages in the Magento admin area.


manage pages

You then need to individually optimize your pages. Pay particular attention to pages like your “Home page”, as these are the ones that will give you most bang for your buck in search engines.

然后,您需要单独优化页面。 请特别注意诸如“主页”之类的页面,因为这些页面将使您在搜索引擎中获得最大的收益。

home page details

In the “Page Title”, change the words to something more SEO-friendly, using your keywords correctly at the beginning. Then, below that in the “Meta Data” options, add your keywords and description as you did in the previous step. When you’re done, click “Save Page”.

在“页面标题”中,一开始就正确使用关键字,将单词更改为对SEO更友好的名称。 然后,在“元数据”选项的下方,像上一步一样添加关键字和描述。 完成后,单击“保存页面”。

When running an eCommerce site, your potential customers can land at your store from almost anywhere on the web. Once you’ve set up your site as described above, you can go much deeper in making sure search engine’s keep you ahead of the competition.

在运行电子商务网站时,您的潜在客户几乎可以从网络上的任何地方登陆您的商店。 如上所述建立网站后,您可以进一步确保搜索引擎在竞争中保持领先地位。

That includes making your individual product titles more descriptive and adding alt text to your images. This is often overlooked, but image alt texts are important for the visually impaired and those viewing your site on e-readers. They can also redirect visitors to your site via image search results.

这包括使您的单个产品标题更具描述性,并在图像中添加替代文本。 这通常被忽略,但是图像替代文本对于视障人士和在电子阅读器上查看您的网站的人来说非常重要。 他们还可以通过图像搜索结果将访问者重定向到您的网站。



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